Half link A.FP-2703 (chain mount)

Half link A.FP-2703 (chain mount)
Half link A.FP-2703 (chain mount)

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Analog: Half link A.FP-2703 (chain mount)



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Analog: Half link A.FP-2703 (chain mount)



от 0 UAH. (1 PCS.)
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*Dear customers, price adjustments for these products are possible due to global changes (fluctuations) in prices for production components.

Vendor code: A.FP-2703
Material: Plastic
Unit: PCS.

Various colors of links. A combination of a chain with a different number of links is possible.
Place of application: Shoe toe, Shoe vamp, Shoe boots, Ankle, Upper, Boot Bottom
Mount type: On the strap
Type of production: Casting
This product matches
  • Chain A.FP-2702
  • Chain A.FP-2702
  • Chain A.FP-2702
Chain A.FP-2702
Chain A.FP-2702
Chain A.FP-2702
Chain A.FP-2702
  • SIZE:
  • COLOR:
from 0.05 UAH.
  • Chain A.FP-2711
  • Chain A.FP-2711
  • Chain A.FP-2711
Chain A.FP-2711
Chain A.FP-2711
Chain A.FP-2711
Chain A.FP-2711
  • SIZE:
  • COLOR:
from 0.08 UAH.

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If you have not found a suitable product, we can offer you:
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